Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Photo manipulation project... Thing


About time I got around to doing it, as rushed as it is.
Reflection and all will be done in a few, need to zergrush a page for comm tech AND my religion reflection, fml.

Look at all the purple!


 Reflection time go

The picture's name is Purple Rhapsody. Purple for it of course being made up of purples/violets, rhapsody, as taken from the dictionary, is "an ecstatic expression of feeling or enthusiasm."

I only used three images for this, one being the waterfall as well as the accompanying scenery, the moon and lastly the earth. I wanted to create something like a foreign land, a fantasy almost. A place where you could look up and go "oh hey there's our neighbours". Of course I didn't have the patience to do something super special awesome, but something is better then nothing. Colour balance was my best friend in this as well as my cloud brushes... But besides that I am rather disappointed in this. Not only because I suck at image manipulation, but since we got it for our first assignment.

Messing around with actual pictures of people is way easier man.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! I think it is a very attractive image. Yes, it is not overly complex, but the monochromatic palette and the startling feature of seeing Earth in the sky with the moon really work well.

    I suppose I agree that something is better than nothing, but...I'd like to see your best work and the point of this class is to generate some work to use in a college portfolio. Sure it is more artistic to manipulate photos you have taken yourself but we did not have time to go out and take landscape images.

    I actually like your writing style (colour balance was my best friend) but you could describe the process and meaning in greater detail.

    Now that you've gotten started try to keep on schedule to make deadlines.
