Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Photos and Portraits and Skittles

Okay so uh

Enslaving Beckman and Siefred for pictures leads to this! And of course Beckman transformed into an explosion of colours and fabulousness. Siefred on the other hand just had to be all smug face black and white like. Text was added to add to it!

My inspiration for this is well.. Next to nonexistent. I took a picture of Siefred cause I was all "hey Jimmy smug face with hand on chin GO" and then Beckman just happened to be passing by so I grabbed a (really random) picture of him. Haha. I like the black and white picture more of the pair because I felt the composition worked out more. The colour picture would've turned out better had I used CS3 and my tablet at home since Photoshop 5 (I think that's the version of PS these computers have) is really limited and it doesn't help the PCs are really slow and tend to freeze up. Seriously why haven't these been replaced yet?

So yeah that's about it. I think I did better this time round then with the last project, simply because I didn't have to manipulate photos of landscapes. Haha.


  1. Daniella, perhaps I haven't explained the purpose of the blog postings clearly. One of the requirements you will face should you pursue Visual/Graphic Arts at a post secondary educational institution is to reflect upon and explain your work. The tone of your writing is way too casual. Please start writing as if you're talking to a college application board or a hiring committee. Speak in a professional manner.

    That said, "random" is not an adequate explanation for your choices. Both these young men make good subjects because they are agreeable friends, yes, but also because they both have interesting hair. The swoop across Ryan's face is crucial to the image, and Mike's flowing hair blends with the psychedelic background. They are well chosen models but you did not express the reasoning well.

    You did a lot to the image of Mike, but did not explain it. You need to clearly explain the technical process AND your aesthetic reasons for making those decisions. It would also have been nice to see the before picture of Mike so truly appreciate the rendering.

    I honestly don't think the words on the B & W image add to the task. If you read the assignment, it was to produce a clear portrait with minimal alteration. Nothing said about words. You could have used this as an extra task for a level 4 under Application.

    Finally, I know I am sounding pretty negative and I don't want you to be annoyed. I am pushing you hard because I know you want to proceed in this field and that you're looking to graduate this year. I want you to be successful and I can tell you without a doubt that you're current tone will not be acceptable at college or work. Show me your professional persona.

  2. Nope.avi

    I don't plan on pursuing graphic design or media arts or whatever in any way. Fashion design, an English lit major and cooking are the options I want to go with after high school. I'm just taking this course because A) It is applicable as a requirement for university and B) Things like what we normally did in the course before were fun but now it's more serious and more of a hassle.

    It's hard to find this course 'fun' anymore. The same applies to my art class last semester which was only fun because the teacher was nice and fun to talk to and the people in the class (best course of semester 1 awwwyeuh).

    By the way I don't appreciate you telling my mobile group that I'm a bad member. That's just low.

    I don't say much at all for reflections and whatever because there really isn't much to say at all. Most of my assignments are the way they are because they just look cool and they're ALL done completely on a whim. I don't try to say some kind of hidden cryptic message in my works or try to make things more complicated then they should because I just make things because they look good and are fun to make.

    First assignment? Done because purple is awesome and it was a neat idea

    Second assignment (this)? I conveniently passed Beckmann in the hallways and I had no idea where my other friends hung around during period 5. Had I passed anyone else I would have used them instead had they magically appeared first.

    I think you're taking things too seriously. Both with this program and the art program. At least Mr. Kehoe, Mrs. McDonald and Mr. Parolin didn't mind that i did things just because they sounded pretty awesome. Take it easy and don't be such a workaholic.

    I'd rather not explain what I do, because it's too -random- to remember and is a long process. A lot of layer mixing and the like went into the colour photo and if anything you'd get more info out of it if I uploaded the .psd on mediafire and linked to it here or something.
