Friday, April 29, 2011

triptych assignment

Because when there isn't much crap to take pictures of I just say screw it and just find something similar to.. Other things.

Like all my assignments this was done on a whim. There is no real process behind this besides "oh I could use that" and take a picture. Also, I hate photography.
As for the design process when taken into photoshop, I just cropped the images how they just.. looked best. To me that is. I tried to follow the rule of thirds for the two and I don't know what happened to the first one since now looking at it... Equal halves. What?
High contrast was another thing, as was texture. I wanted the colours in the images to have a similar feel with one another but honestly I still feel that purple is somewhat out of place. While I wanted to make the image subjects not incredibly obvious I wanted it to have some clarity too. You can see all of them have plants (well I sure hope you do).
Oh, that's it. No walls of text here, nope, not at all. 

Also cool original photos go;

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mini stick people!!!
Such a silly idea indeed, making a world entirely up of people of all colours.
Then again doesn't that sound like reality too?

Also stick people.
Not much more to say here.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

a super late assignment

Loosely inspired by:

Don't you think poetry is like an apple? Sweet, bitter and can be poisonous at the same time?

Thats basically the thought process behind this, idea wise.

It's hard to explain this any other way, plus I forgot most of what I had in mind for this reflection (teehee). Maybe the girl in the picture just wants to tell us something? Her feelings? What's bothering her?

I felt grunge stocks/textures would work well for this and the subtle lighting has a nice effect, but that's just me.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Regarding the first part of the assignment:

I believe that there should be a set of rules news photographers should go by. For one randomly sniping photographs of celebs should be ruled out if they don't want said pictures up. Another thing is reporting articles of private issues that would otherwise be kept secret from the media if they weren't all over it. Only when they receive consent for using said shots or even taking them in the first place is when it would be okay.

Monday, April 11, 2011